
Part 1: Introduction of the Current Global State and the Codes of Genesis
The first lecture in this series deals with some of the most well-known biblical stories, which are not merely historical stories, but are mainly codes.

Part 2: The Code of the Tower of Babel
This code deals with the prideful desire of man to be God, to glorify his own name and to expand the span of his own power and control.

Part 3: The Code of Sodom and Gomorrah
A small and rich elite consisting of about one percent of the world’s population, controls most of Earth’s economic resources, and therefore is able to propagate any agenda for the control and domination of world-population as was the case with the Covid vaccine dictatorship.

Part 4: The Code of Exodus and Summary
The story of the Exodus from Egypt did actually occur historically; however, many codes and insights are also woven in it, which can shed light on the current state of humanity.

The Ten Commandments for Conscious Parenthood
In the new world, we will be required to understand that the purpose of our existence on planet Earth is development of our spirit through experiences in the material world.

The Secret Covenant between Parents and Children
As I board the plane on my way to teach somewhere in the world, I pray. After all the pre-trip arrangements and tasks involved in organizing such a trip, I am finally ready and able to ask the Creator of the World for one thing: the inspiration to bring strength to the renewal of the spirit of those dear people whom I will soon meet.

Money and Spirituality According to the Laws of Creation. The Financial Reasoning Behind Alma School for Humanity
Often one asks what is the right attitude toward money and acquisition of earthly possessions for the person who seeks spiritual development.
karma stories

Jungle Encounter
A Father, a Daughter, and an Out of This World Encounter in Brazil’s Wilderness

The Story of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg
In 1953, the execution of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg for