A seemingly routine expedition to find rock crystals in Brazil’s Sierra Cabral mountains turns into an extraordinary spiritual revelation when a father and daughter lose their way. Exhausted and disoriented in the harsh terrain, they encounter a mysterious figure in a white cloak and broad-brimmed hat, who silently guides them through an impossible path to a remote hut. There, they discover a young boy, José, fighting for his life after a snake bite – and remarkably, the father happens to carry the exact antidote needed.

The mysterious guide? Could it have been the spirit of José’s recently deceased father, sent to him, in an answer to his son’s desperate prayer in his moment of dire need?

What appeared to be chance encounters – getting lost, following the strange figure, carrying precisely the right medicine – reveals itself as an intricate tapestry woven by Divine justice. This true story from in Roselis von Sass’s book “Threads of Fate Determine Human Life” demonstrates how a pure, intuitive supplication can rise to spiritual heights where help can be granted. The boy’s prayer, born of complete despair and absolute trust in God’s justice and love, created a bridge allowing spiritual assistance to reach Earth through his father’s spirit, who could still be found in realms close to Earth.

Beyond our intellectual understanding lies the truth that nothing happens by chance, as every thread of our existence is weaved perfectly into the grand tapestry of Divine Justice across multiple lifetimes. This account offers a glimpse into how the spiritual world interacts with our earthly, physical reality, showing that we’re never truly alone in our moments of greatest need – and that pure, intuitive prayer can open channels for the most unexpected forms of help.