In the early days of Brazil’s colonization, a notorious pirate named Thomas Cavendish and his crew terrorized coastal villages, leaving trails of blood and tears in their wake. This story reveals how, centuries later, Divine Justice manifested through an extraordinary chain of events.
Cavendish reincarnated as a ship captain in Ireland during the early 20th century, commanding a merchant vessel during wartime. Remarkably, his crew consisted of souls who had been pirates under his command in their previous lives. When their ship was torpedoed in the South Atlantic, the ensuing panic and violence among the crew mirrored the brutality they had once inflicted on others. Their tragic end—through fire, drowning, and shark attacks—reflected the suffering they had caused centuries before.
This compelling account illustrates how Divine Justice works across lifetimes, showing that what appears as random tragedy often closes karmic cycles from long ago. Through this story, we glimpse the profound truth that every action eventually returns to its source, though it may take centuries for these threads of fate to complete their course.
The full story of Cavendish and other illuminating accounts about justice operating beyond a single lifetime can be found in Roselis von Sass’s book “Threads of Fate Determine Human Life.” These accounts help us understand that what we perceive as coincidence or injustice might be part of a greater pattern of Divine Justice unfolding across centuries.