


The secrets of true womanhood



The Secrets of True Womanhood

A queen is a powerful, self-assured woman, for she knows to listen to her spirit and follow its path. This allows her to choose, create and attract to her life all that she wishes and desires, and allows her to freely and joyfully fulfill her calling.

Do you ask yourself any of these questions:

Women who are queens in their essence possess the answers to these questions, but for most women the answers are still shrouded in secrecy.

The Queen seminar sheds light on these secrets:

The secret of beauty – beautiful inside and out

The secret strength in being gentle – the intrinsic difference between men and women

The secret of the Guardian of the Flame – the highest calling of true womanhood according to the plan of Creation

The secret of the soulmate – how to find your soulmate and how to nourish true love

The Creator chose you among all others To be a Queen in Creation.
You were destined from birth to carry on your head,

This course is currently available only in Hebrew:
Click here to register for the Hebrew Course